RT @foamid: Great #tweetorial on the new #CAP guidelines #FOAMid #FOAMed #Pulmonology #primarycare #Meded https://t.co/X8joz0IOXZ
RT @jacquisneddons: Useful summary of new US CAP guidelines @raseaton66 @SAPGAbx https://t.co/AAGXUbrfgx
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @JuanCriadoG: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the American…
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine https://t.co/
RT @dredgarbarragan: Nuevas recomendaciones ATS/IDSA para la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad. La amoxicilina +- macrólidos son los antib…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
Cc: @jsandurz @MaggieMonogue
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
I always learn something from @PharmERToxGuy Check out this nice summary of new CAP guidelines. They make me like doxycycline even more
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon be available at https://t.co/9VivK5zB9w Here is Pearl 22: 'The New Community-Acquired Pneumonia Guidelines are Finally Here' #FOAMed
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @almoskow: New @atscommunity @IDSAInfo CAP guidelines against routine steroids for severe CAP. Argue mixed evidence despite 2+ RCTs (w/…
New @atscommunity @IDSAInfo CAP guidelines against routine steroids for severe CAP. Argue mixed evidence despite 2+ RCTs (w/ flaws) and + @cochranecollab review. Does this change your practice? @jbricha1 @IDdocAdi @galbamd @ChrisWorsham @sharukhl https:/
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline Update #cap #guideline #antibiotics https://t.co/QDsDWENi06
RT @ASHP_EMPharm: Q1: It’s been 12 years since the previous iteration of the Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) clinical practice guideline…
RT @sanfordguide: ID Update: The American Thoracic Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America have released updated clinical pr…
RT @sanfordguide: ID Update: The American Thoracic Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America have released updated clinical pr…
ID Update: The American Thoracic Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America have released updated clinical practice guidelines on the management of adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia (Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2019;200:e45). https
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine https://t.
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @PMCHPHS: I'm so excited! #capguidelines #rocephindeficiency https://t.co/ViaewmqtEv
I'm so excited! #capguidelines #rocephindeficiency
RT @Stevens_AK: This summary of the CAP guidelines is gold. Maybe we can all vote that this thread should replace the guideline as the new…
@PMCHPHS @BreeWeaver
RT @AminPravin: ATS & IDSA guidelines on CAP in the blue journal https://t.co/T11A7YrOVi
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
Nice job with this summary of the guidelines!
RT @KrutikaKuppalli: Absolutely excellent summary of the newly released community acquired pneumonia guidelines by @atscommunity and @IDSAI…
RT @foamid: Great #tweetorial on the new #CAP guidelines #FOAMid #FOAMed #Pulmonology #primarycare #Meded https://t.co/X8joz0IOXZ
RT @AminPravin: ATS & IDSA guidelines on CAP in the blue journal https://t.co/T11A7YrOVi
If you're interested in the ceftaroline controversy, but don't want to read the whole doc, here ya go.
RT @Stevens_AK: This summary of the CAP guidelines is gold. Maybe we can all vote that this thread should replace the guideline as the new…
RT @foamid: Great #tweetorial on the new #CAP guidelines #FOAMid #FOAMed #Pulmonology #primarycare #Meded https://t.co/X8joz0IOXZ
Great #tweetorial on the new #CAP guidelines #FOAMid #FOAMed #Pulmonology #primarycare #Meded
RT @GulMadison: Re: new CAP guidelines. The good and the bad... https://t.co/Byga4qnsK0
RT @ASHP_EMPharm: Q1: It’s been 12 years since the previous iteration of the Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) clinical practice guideline…
RT @AminPravin: ATS & IDSA guidelines on CAP in the blue journal https://t.co/T11A7YrOVi
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
Absolutely excellent summary of the newly released community acquired pneumonia guidelines by @atscommunity and @IDSAInfo. If you don’t have the time to read the guidelines then read this summary it tells you everything you need to know!
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
Helpful thread unpacking new pneumonia guidelines
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @AminPravin: ATS & IDSA guidelines on CAP in the blue journal https://t.co/T11A7YrOVi
RT @AminPravin: ATS & IDSA guidelines on CAP in the blue journal https://t.co/T11A7YrOVi
ATS & IDSA guidelines on CAP in the blue journal https://t.co/T11A7YrOVi
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @Stevens_AK: This summary of the CAP guidelines is gold. Maybe we can all vote that this thread should replace the guideline as the new…
FQs use despite ongoing warnings
RT @Stevens_AK: This summary of the CAP guidelines is gold. Maybe we can all vote that this thread should replace the guideline as the new…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @Stevens_AK: This summary of the CAP guidelines is gold. Maybe we can all vote that this thread should replace the guideline as the new…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @Stevens_AK: This summary of the CAP guidelines is gold. Maybe we can all vote that this thread should replace the guideline as the new…
RT @ASHP_EMPharm: Q1: It’s been 12 years since the previous iteration of the Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) clinical practice guideline…
@ASHP_EMPharm https://t.co/F1Qjcrm7KD late but if this wasn’t shared yet check it out! #ASHPEMchat g
RT @ATSBlueEditor: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the Amer…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @ATSBlueEditor: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the Amer…
RT @ATSBlueEditor: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the Amer…
RT @patricia_rdz_z: @aliciaelr @normaerm @doctormosqueda great review for the students , ER and Internal medicine https://t.co/ZnGJpZFAVB
RT @Stevens_AK: This summary of the CAP guidelines is gold. Maybe we can all vote that this thread should replace the guideline as the new…
RT @ASHP_EMPharm: Q1: It’s been 12 years since the previous iteration of the Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) clinical practice guideline…
@aliciaelr @normaerm @doctormosqueda great review for the students , ER and Internal medicine
Q1: It’s been 12 years since the previous iteration of the Community Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) clinical practice guideline. What surprised you most about the update (link here: https://t.co/1zBbAgkbXD)? #ASHPEMchat
Re: new CAP guidelines. The good and the bad...
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
T-minus 2 hours until we chat about the updated Community Acquired Pneumonia clinical practice guidelines (link here: https://t.co/1zBbAgkbXD). Join us here at 8 PM EST! #ASHPEMchat https://t.co/MUrkrAKUzj
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @ATSBlueEditor: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the Amer…
Nueva guía de práctica clínica sobre el manejo de la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad (IDSA/ATS). https://t.co/HSENz9Urxu
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @Stevens_AK: This summary of the CAP guidelines is gold. Maybe we can all vote that this thread should replace the guideline as the new…
RT @JonathanRyderMD: 1/ I'm going to review the new IDSA/ATS Community-Acquired Pneumonia guidelines and point out exciting and salient poi…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @ATSBlueEditor: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the Amer…
RT @ATSBlueEditor: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the Amer…
RT @ATSBlueEditor: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the Amer…