RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @cicsati: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia.Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious…
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia.Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine https://t.co/avRP8fj8zu @CarinaBalasini
RT @gsmartinmd: The new @atscommunity @IDSAInfo guidelines for community acquired #pneumonia are out and cover 16 common questions about ma…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @mgh_ast: Have you seen that the updated CAP guideline was published today? #byebyeHCAP #happyreading https://t.co/avCyruNSxJ https://t.…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
Thanks for the teaching points!
✌🏻 anaerobic coverage in aspiration pneumonia, you never made sense to me anyways! ✌🏻 HCAP, won’t miss you! Guideline updates, coming to an EM conference presentation near you! https://t.co/3NMdRl7wI5
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
HOT of the press: New ATS/IDSA guideline on CAP: https://t.co/FEdt8KmKFN Not a lot new on first glance, but now Beta-lactate/Macrolide preferred over FQ!!👍👍
RT @AJWPharm: Take that, ceftriaxone/flagyl for no reason! @erin_barreto https://t.co/14CssEE4rg https://t.co/pvIMfmN1pI
RT @ssandersEM: Consider amoxicillin or doxy as 1st line outpt CAP treatment, per new ATS CAP treatment guidelines. Monotherapy with macrol…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @gsmartinmd: The new @atscommunity @IDSAInfo guidelines for community acquired #pneumonia are out and cover 16 common questions about ma…
https://t.co/RofLy0AkAS "we suggest NOT obtaining routine blood cultures in hospitalized patients with CAP" - will likely take approximately 15 years to be removed from the ED orderset
The new @atscommunity @IDSAInfo guidelines for community acquired #pneumonia are out and cover 16 common questions about managing CAP! https://t.co/XlvyAy4L9h
RT @ssandersEM: Consider amoxicillin or doxy as 1st line outpt CAP treatment, per new ATS CAP treatment guidelines. Monotherapy with macrol…
RT @mgh_ast: Have you seen that the updated CAP guideline was published today? #byebyeHCAP #happyreading https://t.co/avCyruNSxJ https://t.…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
New highly anticipated guideline available now from @IDSAInfo and @atscommunity the diagnosis and treatment of adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. Read the full-text guideline here: https://t.co/CvqTnuQaoF
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
💥💥💥Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine https:/
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @AJWPharm: Take that, ceftriaxone/flagyl for no reason! @erin_barreto https://t.co/14CssEE4rg https://t.co/pvIMfmN1pI
RT @ArunK_MD: New 2019 ATS/IDSA Pneumonia guidelines are interesting: https://t.co/qnvOBrZtef I hear many housestaff reporting initial pro…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
Just finished lecturing about CAP to find new guidelines released today. What are the chances? https://t.co/nC1AhaGZCF
Have you seen that the updated CAP guideline was published today? #byebyeHCAP #happyreading https://t.co/avCyruNSxJ https://t.co/ABjmJOFPcN
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @ugac3: 🔥🔥🔥Finally!! CAP guidelines as a combined effort of @atscommunity and @IDSAInfo published today! @accpemedprn @accpcritprn @ACCP…
They’re here!!!! https://t.co/V3R216lhpa
Consider amoxicillin or doxy as 1st line outpt CAP treatment, per new ATS CAP treatment guidelines. Monotherapy with macrolide no longer considered 1st line due to increase in S. Pneumo resistance https://t.co/o8Lpif5yko
There goes the rest of my afternoon. Nerding out over the #CAPGuidelines #finally 🙌 https://t.co/Bg6PNCI9UL
RT @ErinMcCreary: It’s the day of the @SIDPharm annual meeting AND the #CAP guidelines were published!!!!!! Oh happy day 🤗 #IDWeek2019 h…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
Of course these come out two weeks after I taught CAP to the P3 students @NortheasternSOP.
RT @julie_justo: Wow. Nice timing @IDSAInfo. I see what you did there 😏. CAP guidelines out just in time for #IDWeek2019!!@SIDPharm">@SIDPharm?src=hashtag_click">#IDWeek2019!!@SIDPharm @accpin…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @atscommunity: The American Thoracic Society and @IDSAInfo have published a new clinical guideline the diagnosis and treatment of adults…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @julie_justo: Wow. Nice timing @IDSAInfo. I see what you did there 😏. CAP guidelines out just in time for #IDWeek2019!!@SIDPharm">@SIDPharm?src=hashtag_click">#IDWeek2019!!@SIDPharm @accpin…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
The American Thoracic Society and @IDSAInfo have published a new clinical guideline the diagnosis and treatment of adults with community acquired #pneumonia. Read them here: https://t.co/hffNomQ1QJ #CAP @ATSBlueEditor
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
Nice timing #IDSA all set to discuss the new CAP guidelines at #IDWeek2019 https://t.co/m3jpxE9dA9
RT @BRxAD: New @IDSAInfo Community Acquired Pneumonia Guidelines now available https://t.co/d552srVnSi Combination therapy with beta-lactam…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @dest12: CAP guidelines out. 😁Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideli…
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
New CAP Guidelines (finallllly) out!!!
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @BRxAD: New @IDSAInfo Community Acquired Pneumonia Guidelines now available https://t.co/d552srVnSi Combination therapy with beta-lactam…
New @IDSAInfo Community Acquired Pneumonia Guidelines now available https://t.co/d552srVnSi Combination therapy with beta-lactam and macrolide (or FLQ monotherapy) still recommended for non-severe inpatient CAP. #IDWeek2019 #idtwitter #SIDP2019
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
About time so excited to check it out 😃
RT @ErinMcCreary: It’s the day of the @SIDPharm annual meeting AND the #CAP guidelines were published!!!!!! Oh happy day 🤗 #IDWeek2019 h…
RT @moore_wjustin: The long wait is finally over, #CAPGuidelines now available @SIDPharm @IDSAInfo https://t.co/9iEcGXX3TU
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
Great timing!
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
RT @KeepATXabx: The wicked HCAP is finally dead!! 💀#Hallelujah #narrowspectrum #shorterisbetter #CAP https://t.co/0seZ7EvrfT
AT LONG LAST !!! What great timing #IDWeek2019 https://t.co/TZNLi0aFEO
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
@julie_justo finally!!
🔥🔥🔥Finally!! CAP guidelines as a combined effort of @atscommunity and @IDSAInfo published today! @accpemedprn @accpcritprn @ACCPpulmPRN https://t.co/dbuOSlvRpy
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take-homes (focused on inpatient care):
New #CAPguidelines? It’s like Christmas has come early!!!🎄🎅❤️ #IDWeek2019 https://t.co/FG9J5UhzvY
RT @KisgenUF: Goodbye HCAP, we won’t miss you! #CAPGuidelines 👋 https://t.co/FLISDctjUx https://t.co/barHSOOlAE
RT @ErinMcCreary: It’s the day of the @SIDPharm annual meeting AND the #CAP guidelines were published!!!!!! Oh happy day 🤗 #IDWeek2019 h…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @ErinMcCreary: It’s the day of the @SIDPharm annual meeting AND the #CAP guidelines were published!!!!!! Oh happy day 🤗 #IDWeek2019 h…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
ATS/IDSA guidelines on Community Acquired Pneumonia #CAPguidelines2019 | An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America https://t.co/tchMN3fm1h
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…
RT @khalideljaaly: Finally, the @IDSAInfo updated guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia👾 is published 😭😍 https://t.co/cSQxoQ8cmZ http…