RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @jeffpears0n: Excellent job @emilylheil on the beautifully done presentation and @ErinMcCreary on the #tweetorial! Most everything you n…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
Thanks to @ErinMcCreary and @emilylheil for this excellent #tweetorial of the updated #CAP guidelines. Note that 5 days of tx is good for most patients. #idtwitter #medtwitter
Excellent update of the new CAP guidelines by @emilyheil and Twitter summary by @erinmccreary I feel like I was there!
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
@ErinMcCreary is the undisputed champion of summarizing slide tweetorials
RT @jeffpears0n: Excellent job @emilylheil on the beautifully done presentation and @ErinMcCreary on the #tweetorial! Most everything you n…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @petita_libelula: Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia https://t.co/Q1HXTLU3dR
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @PaulSaxMD: Sensational summary, @emilylheil! (Thanks to @ErinMcCreary for sharing.) https://t.co/DcwDOvlyqD
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @idcarlos23: Todo lo que debes de saber sobre las nuevas guías de NAC 👇👇👇 #IDtwitter @anitalc2001 @rafampicin @DalyRizo1 @Rick_TellezMD…
#CAP management guidelines 2019 https://t.co/eCqZaNMJr4
RT @idcarlos23: Todo lo que debes de saber sobre las nuevas guías de NAC 👇👇👇 #IDtwitter @anitalc2001 @rafampicin @DalyRizo1 @Rick_TellezMD…
Excellent job @emilylheil on the beautifully done presentation and @ErinMcCreary on the #tweetorial! Most everything you need to know about the new CAP guidelines can be found below #ACCPAM19
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
Todo lo que debes de saber sobre las nuevas guías de NAC 👇👇👇 #IDtwitter @anitalc2001 @rafampicin @DalyRizo1 @Rick_TellezMD
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
Sensational summary, @emilylheil! (Thanks to @ErinMcCreary for sharing.)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia https://t.co/Q1HXTLU3dR
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
a #tweetorial of @emilylheil presenting updates from the 2019 community-acquired pneumonia guidelines at #ACCPAM19 #CAP #idtwitter #foamed
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
RT @ErinMcCreary: starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumon…
Agree! Great way to start and great summary!
Amazing first session at #ACCPAM19! Thanks @emilylheil for presenting the #CAP guideline updates so clearly! 👏
starting #ACCPAM19 with the amazing @emilylheil presenting an update on the recently-published community-acquired pneumonia #CAP guidelines https://t.co/xN1lRNoZZ6 https://t.co/2wZ5e9MEKf
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
必読ですね。ATSとIDSAの#市中肺炎 ガイドライン。 Question10は誤嚥性肺炎の嫌気性菌カバーについて。#誤嚥性肺炎 の入院加療に(膿胸・肺膿瘍なければ)嫌気性カバーはルーチンには推奨しない(conditional recommendation, very low quality of evidence) https://t.co/E4e2iOSpUA
New2Trip: Diagnosis & Treatment of Adults w/ Community-acquired Pneumonia. Official Clinical Practice Guideline of American Thoracic Society & Infectious Diseases Society of America https://t.co/H2SUcV5IKP
@EB_Hirsch Here's a great #Tweetorial from @ASPphysician on the new @IDSAInfo @atscommunity CAP Guidelines: https://t.co/6DugJFmbUm
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine https://t.
RT @KurtPfeifer: New guidelines for management of community-acquired PNA. Highlights: macrolide monotherapy not that great, blood/sputum cx…
Guia de neumonía adquirida en comunidad IDSA/ATS 2019 👇 https://t.co/obne33I4Tx
Le RPE d’infectiologie vous recommande de consulter les dernières lignes directrices américaines sur le diagnostic et le traitement de la pneumonie acquise en communauté https://t.co/Suhd8pGfMO https://t.co/pPsOOfmJ2F
New guidelines for management of community-acquired PNA. Highlights: macrolide monotherapy not that great, blood/sputum cx if empiric tx for Pseudomonas or MRSA, don't bother with procalcitonin. https://t.co/SCAU6DQOMu
He also started his ppt before the https://t.co/u83hsjiFMi, found he had identified all the major studies prior to reading them & had similar conclusions. Me: "that's when you know you've made it- when you comment knowledgeably on the guidelines in rea
New2Trip: Diagnosis & Treatment of Adults w/ Community-acquired Pneumonia. Official Clinical Practice Guideline of American Thoracic Society & Infectious Diseases Society of America https://t.co/H2SUcV5IKP
Updated guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment for adults with CAP from ATS and IDSA. https://t.co/K7vlRGxbsS
📑 Американское грудное общество и Американское общество инфекционных болезней обновили руководство по пневмонии Не пропустите редкое событие — прошлая версия вышла 12 лет назад! https://t.co/6qZcXMZ8nd https://t.co/Y8OcWb3aHp
Learning the outcomes of ones locally variable practices is probably the most helpful thing to do. This idea is starting to gain traction, as seen in the recent antibiogram recommendations in the CAP guidelines released by IDSA/ATS. https://t.co/hX40up2IY
Recently published guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of adults with community-acquired pneumonia. https://t.co/ibSI11M3Vz
RT @SCCMPresident: Updated guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment for adults with CAP from ATS and IDSA @SCCM https://t.co/NHAxb7PR1H
RT @SCCMPresident: Updated guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment for adults with CAP from ATS and IDSA @SCCM https://t.co/NHAxb7PR1H
RT @SCCMPresident: Updated guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment for adults with CAP from ATS and IDSA @SCCM https://t.co/NHAxb7PR1H
RT @SCCMPresident: Updated guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment for adults with CAP from ATS and IDSA @SCCM https://t.co/NHAxb7PR1H
RT @SCCMPresident: Updated guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment for adults with CAP from ATS and IDSA @SCCM https://t.co/NHAxb7PR1H
guideline updated after 12yrs.
RT @SCCMPresident: Updated guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment for adults with CAP from ATS and IDSA @SCCM https://t.co/NHAxb7PR1H
Updated guidelines on the diagnosis and treatment for adults with CAP from ATS and IDSA @SCCM https://t.co/NHAxb7PR1H
👏👏👉Diagnosis and Treatment of Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine https:/
RT @JonathanRyderMD: 1/ I'm going to review the new IDSA/ATS Community-Acquired Pneumonia guidelines and point out exciting and salient poi…
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @ShannonOMac: Twitter as translational science for the win! Research👩🏽🔬🦠 to scholarship 👨🏻💻📄 to media 🗣 to bedside👩🏾⚕️💊 https://t.co…
RT @ericschul: Key recommendations from the new IDSA guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia (thread) https://t.co/VPXY8lkPFU 1) gram…
New2Trip: Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Adults https://t.co/EtCTHksmtb
CAP updates tutorial!
Bastante de acuerdo con las reflexiones que hace A. Morris sobre las nuevas guías de la IDSA para neumonía adquirida en la comunidad.
RT @JonathanRyderMD: 1/ I'm going to review the new IDSA/ATS Community-Acquired Pneumonia guidelines and point out exciting and salient poi…
RT @medrants: #UncleBob recommends #5goodminutes on this summary of the new CAP guidelines. IMO these guidelines do add some common sense,…
New2Trip: Diagnosis & Treatment of Adults w/ Community-acquired Pneumonia. Official Clinical Practice Guideline of American Thoracic Society & Infectious Diseases Society of America https://t.co/SO8bJopxtB
Community-acquired Pneumonia. An Official Clinical Practice Guideline of the American Thoracic Society and Infectious Diseases Society of America | American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine https://t.co/yZPoNoAdFL
RT @nbennett04: Fantastic review of updated CAP guidelines. 👇 https://t.co/KCgzVQ3NcF
RT @dredgarbarragan: Nuevas recomendaciones ATS/IDSA para la neumonía adquirida en la comunidad. La amoxicilina +- macrólidos son los antib…
RT @CathalOBroin: Great insights into the new IDSA/ATS CAP guidelines here 👍🏻 https://t.co/TrYQ843u05
RT @CathalOBroin: Great insights into the new IDSA/ATS CAP guidelines here 👍🏻 https://t.co/TrYQ843u05
Great insights into the new IDSA/ATS CAP guidelines here 👍🏻
RT @basakcoruhUW: 1/ Just released...the long-awaited ATS/IDSA Guidelines for Diagnosis and Treatment of CAP https://t.co/1rFtON63ht Take…
https://t.co/WPpi2Q0RtI New CAP guidelines! Finally!
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
🇺🇸📘 Американское торакальное общество @atscommunity совместно с Американским обществом инфекционных болезней @IDSAInfo выпустило клинические рекомендации по диагностике и лечению внебольничной пневмонии у взрослых пациентов. https://t.co/QrCbBEyMSH
RT @tripguidelines: New2Trip: Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Adults https://t.co/EtCTHksmtb
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
New2Trip: Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Adults https://t.co/EtCTHksmtb
Excellent, I miss these. Thanks man!
RT @ASPphysician: After 12 yrs of waiting, and 5 years of development, the @atscommunity @IDSAInfo community-acquired pneumonia guidelines…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
RT @PharmERToxGuy: Each Friday, I share an EM Pharm Educational Pearl, via email, with our outstanding @EMRES_MGHBWH team. Pearls will soon…
@MeganNicole_719 this is very you